Rooted in Wellness is a comprehensive evidence-based curriculum tailored for adults and youth, centered around horticulture, ecosystems, and daily life skills. It offers educational opportunities in health and wellness, nutrition, occupational development, and personal growth to communities facing diversity, equity, and inclusion disparities. By utilizing our educational approaches alongside healthcare monitoring, Rooted in Wellness aims to tackle issues such as food insecurity, socioeconomics, and social determinants of health. The program is designed to mitigate inequities that contribute to the development of diseases in at-risk and disadvantaged communities, including Special Health Districts, Indian Reservations, homeless and other underserved populations.
Rooted in Wellness' youth courses are currently being taught within the Bonsall Unified School District afterschool programs, Fallbrook High School District, Willow Tree Charter School, and at Pala Reservation Housing District. If you would like more information about how to get our curriculum woven into the fabric of your students educational experiences, please email [email protected].
We currently have several adult classes that are being taught through the Fallbrook Food Pantry's Learning Center. ESL (English as a Second Language) Monday-Thursday 7-8:30pm, SSL (Spanish as a Second Language) Thursdays beginning February 29th from 5:30-6:30pm, Diabetes Prevention & Management and Nutrition Secrets on Saturdays from 9:30-11am. If you're interested in any of these adult opportunities, please email [email protected].