Over 15,000 hours are donated annually by our wonderful and dedicated volunteers, and we thank all 625 of you. YOU are instrumental in carrying forth our mission of aiding those in the community in-need of food. We could not do this without you!
If this is your first time volunteering with us, please click the "VOLUNTEER" button below to create a new account for yourself through VolunteerHub. Once you have done this, please go to the online calendar to choose a date and time you are interested in working. Make sure to also sign up for your "first time volunteer" orientation.
Please take a few moments to read our Volunteer Handbook before arriving and also watch our Sorting Video so you are fully aware of the duties our volunteers assist us with. New volunteers, please plan to stay after your orientation session to begin your first shift with the Pantry. And, in advance, we thank you for your support! Now, let's get busy making a positive difference in the world - together!